directive @mark( # Marks if field is localized localized: Boolean # Marks if value is default default: Boolean # Marks if the locale is a part of the default fallback fallback: Boolean # Ordered list of fallback locales fallbackLocales: [String!] # Marks the pageInfo pageInfo: Boolean # Marks an aggregate type aggregate: Boolean # Marks a countable type countable: Boolean # Marks an edge type edge: Boolean # Marks a locale enum locale: Boolean # Marks asset url handler url: Boolean # Marks type of mutation kind mutationKind: _MutationKind # Marks kind of mutation input field mutationInputFieldKind: _MutationInputFieldKind # Marks filter and links to parent type filter: String # Marks filter kind filterKind: _FilterKind # Marks if corresponding field is list filterIsList: Boolean # Marks order by order: Boolean # Marks order direction orderDirection: _OrderDirection # Link to the Main type of the connection connection: String # Marks localizations field localizations: Boolean # Marks versions field on model modelVersions: Boolean # Marks document version field on Query documentVersion: Boolean # Marks stages field stages: Boolean # Specifies system createdAt field createdAtField: String # Specifies system updatedAt field updatedAtField: String # Specifies relation input kind relationInputKind: _RelationInputKind # Specifies relation kind (e.g. union relation or regular field relation) relationKind: _RelationKind # Specifies relation input cardinality relationInputCardinality: _RelationInputCardinality # Specifies relation input cardinality of reverse side reverseRelationInputCardinality: _RelationInputCardinality # Specifies model create input type createInputType: String # Specifies model create localization type createLocalizationInputType: String # Specifies GraphCMS field type fieldType: String # Specifies WhereUniqueInput type name whereUniqueInput: String # Specifies whether type is connect input isConnectInput: Boolean # Specifies relation input to be for abstract member type, not known master / origin side isMemberInput: Boolean # Specifies union type name unionType: Boolean # Specifies model a type is part of model: String # Specifies mode of system DateTime fields systemDateTimeFieldVariation: _SystemDateTimeFieldVariation # If versioned, documents of this model will be able to hold this amount of versions per stage versionRetentionCount: Int # If versioned, on publishing versions older than x days will be dropped versionRetentionPeriod: Int # Adds field validations validations: String # The model's storage ID storageId: String # Marks richText field return type isRichTextType: Boolean # Marks list richText field return type isListRichText: Boolean # The name of the associated RichText type richTextType: String ) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE | ENUM | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | INPUT_OBJECT | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION directive @permission( # Policy resource names. resources: [String!] # Policy action names. actions: [String!] ) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @psql( # postgres table name table: String # postgres localization table name localizationTable: String # postgres column name column: [String!] # hardcoded postgres id value for enums id: String # postgres join on name join: [String!] # Specifies column for system id field idColumn: String # Specifies column for native sorting for relational fields prio: String # Specifies columns for union member fields memberColumns: [String!] # Specifies system updatedAt column updatedAtColumn: String ) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM | INPUT_OBJECT | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION directive @remote( # url to fetch the remote content from url: String! # HTTP method used to fetch the remote content from method: String! # optional headers that will be sent in the remote call headers: Json # list of field apiIds that should be send as payload in the remote call requestParamFields: [String!]! # list of field storage ids that will available for templates and parameters for the remote call payloadFields: [String!]! ) on FIELD_DEFINITION enum _FilterKind { search AND OR NOT eq eq_not in not_in lt lte gt gte contains not_contains starts_with not_starts_with ends_with not_ends_with contains_all contains_some contains_none relational_single relational_every relational_some relational_none } enum _MutationInputFieldKind { scalar richText richTextWithEmbeds enum relation union virtual } enum _MutationKind { create publish unpublish update upsert delete updateMany publishMany unpublishMany deleteMany } enum _OrderDirection { asc desc } enum _RelationInputCardinality { one many } enum _RelationInputKind { create update } enum _RelationKind { regular union } enum _SystemDateTimeFieldVariation { base localization combined } type Aggregate { count: Int! } # Asset system model type Asset implements Node { # System stage field stage: Stage! # System Locale field locale: Locale! # Get the other localizations for this document localizations( # Potential locales that should be returned locales: [Locale!]! = [en] # Decides if the current locale should be included or not includeCurrent: Boolean! = false ): [Asset!]! # Get the document in other stages documentInStages( # Potential stages that should be returned stages: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED, DRAFT] # Decides if the current stage should be included or not includeCurrent: Boolean! = false # Decides if the documents should match the parent documents locale or should use the fallback order defined in the tree inheritLocale: Boolean! = false ): [Asset!]! # The unique identifier id: ID! # The time the document was created createdAt( # Variation of DateTime field to return, allows value from base document, # current localization, or combined by returning the newer value of both variation: SystemDateTimeFieldVariation! = COMBINED ): DateTime! # The time the document was updated updatedAt( # Variation of DateTime field to return, allows value from base document, # current localization, or combined by returning the newer value of both variation: SystemDateTimeFieldVariation! = COMBINED ): DateTime! # The time the document was published. Null on documents in draft stage. publishedAt( # Variation of DateTime field to return, allows value from base document, # current localization, or combined by returning the newer value of both variation: SystemDateTimeFieldVariation! = COMBINED ): DateTime # The file handle handle: String! # The file name fileName: String! # The height of the file height: Float # The file width width: Float # The file size size: Float # The mime type of the file mimeType: String eventImageEventProfile( where: EventProfileWhereInput orderBy: EventProfileOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventImageEventProfile` is a model without localized fields and # will not be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be # passed on to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): [EventProfile!]! organiserLogoEventOrganiser( where: EventOrganiserWhereInput orderBy: EventOrganiserOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `organiserLogoEventOrganiser` is a model without localized fields # and will not be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will # be passed on to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): [EventOrganiser!]! # List of Asset versions history( limit: Int! = 10 skip: Int! = 0 # This is optional and can be used to fetch the document version history for a specific stage instead of the current one stageOverride: Stage ): [Version!]! # Get the url for the asset with provided transformations applied. url(transformation: AssetTransformationInput): String! } input AssetConnectInput { # Document to connect where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! # Allow to specify document position in list of connected documents, will default to appending at end of list position: ConnectPositionInput } # A connection to a list of items. type AssetConnection { # Information to aid in pagination. pageInfo: PageInfo! # A list of edges. edges: [AssetEdge!]! aggregate: Aggregate! } input AssetCreateInput { createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime handle: String! fileName: String! height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String eventImageEventProfile: EventProfileCreateManyInlineInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser: EventOrganiserCreateManyInlineInput # Inline mutations for managing document localizations excluding the default locale localizations: AssetCreateLocalizationsInput } input AssetCreateLocalizationDataInput { createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime handle: String! fileName: String! height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String } input AssetCreateLocalizationInput { # Localization input data: AssetCreateLocalizationDataInput! locale: Locale! } input AssetCreateLocalizationsInput { # Create localizations for the newly-created document create: [AssetCreateLocalizationInput!] } input AssetCreateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple existing Asset documents create: [AssetCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing Asset documents connect: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] } input AssetCreateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one Asset document create: AssetCreateInput # Connect one existing Asset document connect: AssetWhereUniqueInput } # An edge in a connection. type AssetEdge { # The item at the end of the edge. node: Asset! # A cursor for use in pagination. cursor: String! } # Identifies documents input AssetManyWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [AssetWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [AssetWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [AssetWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime eventImageEventProfile_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventImageEventProfile_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventImageEventProfile_none: EventProfileWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_every: EventOrganiserWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_some: EventOrganiserWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_none: EventOrganiserWhereInput } enum AssetOrderByInput { id_ASC id_DESC createdAt_ASC createdAt_DESC updatedAt_ASC updatedAt_DESC publishedAt_ASC publishedAt_DESC handle_ASC handle_DESC fileName_ASC fileName_DESC height_ASC height_DESC width_ASC width_DESC size_ASC size_DESC mimeType_ASC mimeType_DESC } # Transformations for Assets input AssetTransformationInput { image: ImageTransformationInput document: DocumentTransformationInput # Pass true if you want to validate the passed transformation parameters validateOptions: Boolean = false } input AssetUpdateInput { handle: String fileName: String height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String eventImageEventProfile: EventProfileUpdateManyInlineInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser: EventOrganiserUpdateManyInlineInput # Manage document localizations localizations: AssetUpdateLocalizationsInput } input AssetUpdateLocalizationDataInput { handle: String fileName: String height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String } input AssetUpdateLocalizationInput { data: AssetUpdateLocalizationDataInput! locale: Locale! } input AssetUpdateLocalizationsInput { # Localizations to create create: [AssetCreateLocalizationInput!] # Localizations to update update: [AssetUpdateLocalizationInput!] upsert: [AssetUpsertLocalizationInput!] # Localizations to delete delete: [Locale!] } input AssetUpdateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple Asset documents create: [AssetCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing Asset documents connect: [AssetConnectInput!] # Override currently-connected documents with multiple existing Asset documents set: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] # Update multiple Asset documents update: [AssetUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Upsert multiple Asset documents upsert: [AssetUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Disconnect multiple Asset documents disconnect: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] # Delete multiple Asset documents delete: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] } input AssetUpdateManyInput { fileName: String height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String # Optional updates to localizations localizations: AssetUpdateManyLocalizationsInput } input AssetUpdateManyLocalizationDataInput { fileName: String height: Float width: Float size: Float mimeType: String } input AssetUpdateManyLocalizationInput { data: AssetUpdateManyLocalizationDataInput! locale: Locale! } input AssetUpdateManyLocalizationsInput { # Localizations to update update: [AssetUpdateManyLocalizationInput!] } input AssetUpdateManyWithNestedWhereInput { # Document search where: AssetWhereInput! # Update many input data: AssetUpdateManyInput! } input AssetUpdateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one Asset document create: AssetCreateInput # Update single Asset document update: AssetUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Upsert single Asset document upsert: AssetUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Connect existing Asset document connect: AssetWhereUniqueInput # Disconnect currently connected Asset document disconnect: Boolean # Delete currently connected Asset document delete: Boolean } input AssetUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! # Document to update data: AssetUpdateInput! } input AssetUpsertInput { # Create document if it didn't exist create: AssetCreateInput! # Update document if it exists update: AssetUpdateInput! } input AssetUpsertLocalizationInput { update: AssetUpdateLocalizationDataInput! create: AssetCreateLocalizationDataInput! locale: Locale! } input AssetUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! # Upsert data data: AssetUpsertInput! } # Identifies documents input AssetWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [AssetWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [AssetWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [AssetWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime handle: String # All values that are not equal to given value. handle_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. handle_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. handle_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. handle_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. handle_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. handle_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. handle_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. handle_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string handle_not_ends_with: String fileName: String # All values that are not equal to given value. fileName_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. fileName_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. fileName_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. fileName_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. fileName_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. fileName_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. fileName_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. fileName_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string fileName_not_ends_with: String height: Float # All values that are not equal to given value. height_not: Float # All values that are contained in given list. height_in: [Float!] # All values that are not contained in given list. height_not_in: [Float!] # All values less than the given value. height_lt: Float # All values less than or equal the given value. height_lte: Float # All values greater than the given value. height_gt: Float # All values greater than or equal the given value. height_gte: Float width: Float # All values that are not equal to given value. width_not: Float # All values that are contained in given list. width_in: [Float!] # All values that are not contained in given list. width_not_in: [Float!] # All values less than the given value. width_lt: Float # All values less than or equal the given value. width_lte: Float # All values greater than the given value. width_gt: Float # All values greater than or equal the given value. width_gte: Float size: Float # All values that are not equal to given value. size_not: Float # All values that are contained in given list. size_in: [Float!] # All values that are not contained in given list. size_not_in: [Float!] # All values less than the given value. size_lt: Float # All values less than or equal the given value. size_lte: Float # All values greater than the given value. size_gt: Float # All values greater than or equal the given value. size_gte: Float mimeType: String # All values that are not equal to given value. mimeType_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. mimeType_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. mimeType_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. mimeType_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. mimeType_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. mimeType_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. mimeType_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. mimeType_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string mimeType_not_ends_with: String eventImageEventProfile_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventImageEventProfile_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventImageEventProfile_none: EventProfileWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_every: EventOrganiserWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_some: EventOrganiserWhereInput organiserLogoEventOrganiser_none: EventOrganiserWhereInput } # References Asset record uniquely input AssetWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } type BatchPayload { # The number of nodes that have been affected by the Batch operation. count: Long! } # Representing a color value comprising of HEX, RGBA and css color values type Color { hex: Hex! rgba: RGBA! css: String! } # Accepts either HEX or RGBA color value. At least one of hex or rgba value should be passed. If both are passed RGBA is used. input ColorInput { hex: Hex rgba: RGBAInput } input ConnectPositionInput { # Connect document after specified document after: ID # Connect document before specified document before: ID # Connect document at first position start: Boolean # Connect document at last position end: Boolean } # A date string, such as 2007-12-03 (YYYY-MM-DD), compliant with ISO 8601 standard # for representation of dates using the Gregorian calendar. scalar Date # A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the # date-timeformat outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 # standard for representationof dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. scalar DateTime enum DocumentFileTypes { jpg odp ods odt png svg txt webp docx pdf html doc xlsx xls pptx ppt } input DocumentOutputInput { # Transforms a document into a desired file type. # See this matrix for format support: # # PDF: jpg, odp, ods, odt, png, svg, txt, and webp # DOC: docx, html, jpg, odt, pdf, png, svg, txt, and webp # DOCX: doc, html, jpg, odt, pdf, png, svg, txt, and webp # ODT: doc, docx, html, jpg, pdf, png, svg, txt, and webp # XLS: jpg, pdf, ods, png, svg, xlsx, and webp # XLSX: jpg, pdf, ods, png, svg, xls, and webp # ODS: jpg, pdf, png, xls, svg, xlsx, and webp # PPT: jpg, odp, pdf, png, svg, pptx, and webp # PPTX: jpg, odp, pdf, png, svg, ppt, and webp # ODP: jpg, pdf, png, ppt, svg, pptx, and webp # BMP: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # GIF: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # JPG: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # PNG: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # WEBP: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # TIFF: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # AI: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # PSD: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, and webp # SVG: jpg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, and webp # HTML: jpg, odt, pdf, svg, txt, and webp # TXT: jpg, html, odt, pdf, svg, and webp format: DocumentFileTypes } # Transformations for Documents input DocumentTransformationInput { # Changes the output for the file. output: DocumentOutputInput } type DocumentVersion { id: ID! stage: Stage! revision: Int! createdAt: DateTime! data: Json } # Indicates the location of the event type EventLocation implements Node { # System stage field stage: Stage! # Get the document in other stages documentInStages( # Potential stages that should be returned stages: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED, DRAFT] # Decides if the current stage should be included or not includeCurrent: Boolean! = false # Decides if the documents should match the parent documents locale or should use the fallback order defined in the tree inheritLocale: Boolean! = false ): [EventLocation!]! # The unique identifier id: ID! # The time the document was created createdAt: DateTime! # The time the document was updated updatedAt: DateTime! # The time the document was published. Null on documents in draft stage. publishedAt: DateTime # It stores the city where the event is hosted city: String # Connect location with events eventProfiles( where: EventProfileWhereInput orderBy: EventProfileOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventProfiles` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): [EventProfile!]! # List of EventLocation versions history( limit: Int! = 10 skip: Int! = 0 # This is optional and can be used to fetch the document version history for a specific stage instead of the current one stageOverride: Stage ): [Version!]! } input EventLocationConnectInput { # Document to connect where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! # Allow to specify document position in list of connected documents, will default to appending at end of list position: ConnectPositionInput } # A connection to a list of items. type EventLocationConnection { # Information to aid in pagination. pageInfo: PageInfo! # A list of edges. edges: [EventLocationEdge!]! aggregate: Aggregate! } input EventLocationCreateInput { createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime city: String eventProfiles: EventProfileCreateManyInlineInput } input EventLocationCreateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple existing EventLocation documents create: [EventLocationCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventLocation documents connect: [EventLocationWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventLocationCreateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventLocation document create: EventLocationCreateInput # Connect one existing EventLocation document connect: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput } # An edge in a connection. type EventLocationEdge { # The item at the end of the edge. node: EventLocation! # A cursor for use in pagination. cursor: String! } # Identifies documents input EventLocationManyWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventLocationWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventLocationWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventLocationWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime city: String # All values that are not equal to given value. city_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. city_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. city_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. city_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. city_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. city_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. city_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. city_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string city_not_ends_with: String eventProfiles_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_none: EventProfileWhereInput } enum EventLocationOrderByInput { id_ASC id_DESC createdAt_ASC createdAt_DESC updatedAt_ASC updatedAt_DESC publishedAt_ASC publishedAt_DESC city_ASC city_DESC } input EventLocationUpdateInput { city: String eventProfiles: EventProfileUpdateManyInlineInput } input EventLocationUpdateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple EventLocation documents create: [EventLocationCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventLocation documents connect: [EventLocationConnectInput!] # Override currently-connected documents with multiple existing EventLocation documents set: [EventLocationWhereUniqueInput!] # Update multiple EventLocation documents update: [EventLocationUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Upsert multiple EventLocation documents upsert: [EventLocationUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Disconnect multiple EventLocation documents disconnect: [EventLocationWhereUniqueInput!] # Delete multiple EventLocation documents delete: [EventLocationWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventLocationUpdateManyInput { city: String } input EventLocationUpdateManyWithNestedWhereInput { # Document search where: EventLocationWhereInput! # Update many input data: EventLocationUpdateManyInput! } input EventLocationUpdateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventLocation document create: EventLocationCreateInput # Update single EventLocation document update: EventLocationUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Upsert single EventLocation document upsert: EventLocationUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Connect existing EventLocation document connect: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput # Disconnect currently connected EventLocation document disconnect: Boolean # Delete currently connected EventLocation document delete: Boolean } input EventLocationUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! # Document to update data: EventLocationUpdateInput! } input EventLocationUpsertInput { # Create document if it didn't exist create: EventLocationCreateInput! # Update document if it exists update: EventLocationUpdateInput! } input EventLocationUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! # Upsert data data: EventLocationUpsertInput! } # Identifies documents input EventLocationWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventLocationWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventLocationWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventLocationWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime city: String # All values that are not equal to given value. city_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. city_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. city_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. city_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. city_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. city_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. city_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. city_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string city_not_ends_with: String eventProfiles_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_none: EventProfileWhereInput } # References EventLocation record uniquely input EventLocationWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } # Details of the organiser profile type EventOrganiser implements Node { # System stage field stage: Stage! # Get the document in other stages documentInStages( # Potential stages that should be returned stages: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED, DRAFT] # Decides if the current stage should be included or not includeCurrent: Boolean! = false # Decides if the documents should match the parent documents locale or should use the fallback order defined in the tree inheritLocale: Boolean! = false ): [EventOrganiser!]! # The unique identifier id: ID! # The time the document was created createdAt: DateTime! # The time the document was updated updatedAt: DateTime! # The time the document was published. Null on documents in draft stage. publishedAt: DateTime # Name of the organiser eventorganiserName: String! # Logo of the organiser eventorganiserLogo( # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventorganiserLogo` is a model without localized fields and will # not be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be # passed on to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): Asset # URL of the organiser eventorganiserUrl: String # Contact email of the organiser eventorganiserContactEmail: String # It indicates the starting phase the organisation focuses on according to # Startup Development Phases # ( fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # It indicates the ending phase the organisation focuses on according to Startup # Development Phases # ( toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # Connect organisers with events eventProfiles( where: EventProfileWhereInput orderBy: EventProfileOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventProfiles` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): [EventProfile!]! # List of EventOrganiser versions history( limit: Int! = 10 skip: Int! = 0 # This is optional and can be used to fetch the document version history for a specific stage instead of the current one stageOverride: Stage ): [Version!]! } input EventOrganiserConnectInput { # Document to connect where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! # Allow to specify document position in list of connected documents, will default to appending at end of list position: ConnectPositionInput } # A connection to a list of items. type EventOrganiserConnection { # Information to aid in pagination. pageInfo: PageInfo! # A list of edges. edges: [EventOrganiserEdge!]! aggregate: Aggregate! } input EventOrganiserCreateInput { createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime eventorganiserName: String! eventorganiserLogo: AssetCreateOneInlineInput eventorganiserUrl: String eventorganiserContactEmail: String fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases eventProfiles: EventProfileCreateManyInlineInput } input EventOrganiserCreateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple existing EventOrganiser documents create: [EventOrganiserCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventOrganiser documents connect: [EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventOrganiserCreateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventOrganiser document create: EventOrganiserCreateInput # Connect one existing EventOrganiser document connect: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput } # An edge in a connection. type EventOrganiserEdge { # The item at the end of the edge. node: EventOrganiser! # A cursor for use in pagination. cursor: String! } # Identifies documents input EventOrganiserManyWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime eventorganiserName: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserName_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserName_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserName_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserName_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserName_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserName_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserName_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserName_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserName_not_ends_with: String eventorganiserLogo: AssetWhereInput eventorganiserUrl: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserUrl_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserUrl_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserUrl_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserUrl_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserUrl_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserUrl_not_ends_with: String eventorganiserContactEmail: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserContactEmail_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserContactEmail_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserContactEmail_not_ends_with: String fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. fromPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. fromPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. fromPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. toPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. toPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. toPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] eventProfiles_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_none: EventProfileWhereInput } enum EventOrganiserOrderByInput { id_ASC id_DESC createdAt_ASC createdAt_DESC updatedAt_ASC updatedAt_DESC publishedAt_ASC publishedAt_DESC eventorganiserName_ASC eventorganiserName_DESC eventorganiserUrl_ASC eventorganiserUrl_DESC eventorganiserContactEmail_ASC eventorganiserContactEmail_DESC fromPhase_ASC fromPhase_DESC toPhase_ASC toPhase_DESC } input EventOrganiserUpdateInput { eventorganiserName: String eventorganiserLogo: AssetUpdateOneInlineInput eventorganiserUrl: String eventorganiserContactEmail: String fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases eventProfiles: EventProfileUpdateManyInlineInput } input EventOrganiserUpdateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple EventOrganiser documents create: [EventOrganiserCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventOrganiser documents connect: [EventOrganiserConnectInput!] # Override currently-connected documents with multiple existing EventOrganiser documents set: [EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput!] # Update multiple EventOrganiser documents update: [EventOrganiserUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Upsert multiple EventOrganiser documents upsert: [EventOrganiserUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Disconnect multiple EventOrganiser documents disconnect: [EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput!] # Delete multiple EventOrganiser documents delete: [EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventOrganiserUpdateManyInput { eventorganiserName: String eventorganiserUrl: String eventorganiserContactEmail: String fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases } input EventOrganiserUpdateManyWithNestedWhereInput { # Document search where: EventOrganiserWhereInput! # Update many input data: EventOrganiserUpdateManyInput! } input EventOrganiserUpdateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventOrganiser document create: EventOrganiserCreateInput # Update single EventOrganiser document update: EventOrganiserUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Upsert single EventOrganiser document upsert: EventOrganiserUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Connect existing EventOrganiser document connect: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput # Disconnect currently connected EventOrganiser document disconnect: Boolean # Delete currently connected EventOrganiser document delete: Boolean } input EventOrganiserUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! # Document to update data: EventOrganiserUpdateInput! } input EventOrganiserUpsertInput { # Create document if it didn't exist create: EventOrganiserCreateInput! # Update document if it exists update: EventOrganiserUpdateInput! } input EventOrganiserUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! # Upsert data data: EventOrganiserUpsertInput! } # Identifies documents input EventOrganiserWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventOrganiserWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime eventorganiserName: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserName_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserName_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserName_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserName_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserName_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserName_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserName_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserName_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserName_not_ends_with: String eventorganiserLogo: AssetWhereInput eventorganiserUrl: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserUrl_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserUrl_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserUrl_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserUrl_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserUrl_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserUrl_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserUrl_not_ends_with: String eventorganiserContactEmail: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventorganiserContactEmail_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventorganiserContactEmail_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventorganiserContactEmail_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventorganiserContactEmail_not_ends_with: String fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. fromPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. fromPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. fromPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. toPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. toPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. toPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] eventProfiles_every: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_some: EventProfileWhereInput eventProfiles_none: EventProfileWhereInput } # References EventOrganiser record uniquely input EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } type EventProfile implements Node { # System stage field stage: Stage! # Get the document in other stages documentInStages( # Potential stages that should be returned stages: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED, DRAFT] # Decides if the current stage should be included or not includeCurrent: Boolean! = false # Decides if the documents should match the parent documents locale or should use the fallback order defined in the tree inheritLocale: Boolean! = false ): [EventProfile!]! # The unique identifier id: ID! # The time the document was created createdAt: DateTime! # The time the document was updated updatedAt: DateTime! # The time the document was published. Null on documents in draft stage. publishedAt: DateTime # Title of the event eventTitle: String! # Description of the event eventDescription: String! # Url of the event eventUrl: String # Cover image of the event eventImage( # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventImage` is a model without localized fields and will not be # affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on to # any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): Asset # Starting date and time of the event startDateTime: DateTime # Ending date and time of the event endDateTime: DateTime # It indicates the starting phase the event focuses on according to Startup # Development Phases # ( fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # It indicates the ending phase the organisation focuses on according to Startup # Development Phases # ( toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # Contact email of the event eventContactEmail: String # Connect events with organisers eventOrganiser( # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventOrganiser` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): EventOrganiser # Connect events with locations eventLocation( # Allows to optionally override locale filtering behaviour in the query's subtree. # # Note that `eventLocation` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument will overwrite any existing locale filtering defined in the query's tree for the subtree. locales: [Locale!] ): EventLocation # List of EventProfile versions history( limit: Int! = 10 skip: Int! = 0 # This is optional and can be used to fetch the document version history for a specific stage instead of the current one stageOverride: Stage ): [Version!]! } input EventProfileConnectInput { # Document to connect where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! # Allow to specify document position in list of connected documents, will default to appending at end of list position: ConnectPositionInput } # A connection to a list of items. type EventProfileConnection { # Information to aid in pagination. pageInfo: PageInfo! # A list of edges. edges: [EventProfileEdge!]! aggregate: Aggregate! } input EventProfileCreateInput { createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime eventTitle: String! eventDescription: String! eventUrl: String eventImage: AssetCreateOneInlineInput startDateTime: DateTime endDateTime: DateTime fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases eventContactEmail: String eventOrganiser: EventOrganiserCreateOneInlineInput eventLocation: EventLocationCreateOneInlineInput } input EventProfileCreateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple existing EventProfile documents create: [EventProfileCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventProfile documents connect: [EventProfileWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventProfileCreateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventProfile document create: EventProfileCreateInput # Connect one existing EventProfile document connect: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput } # An edge in a connection. type EventProfileEdge { # The item at the end of the edge. node: EventProfile! # A cursor for use in pagination. cursor: String! } # Identifies documents input EventProfileManyWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventProfileWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventProfileWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventProfileWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime eventTitle: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventTitle_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventTitle_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventTitle_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventTitle_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventTitle_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventTitle_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventTitle_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventTitle_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventTitle_not_ends_with: String eventDescription: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventDescription_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventDescription_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventDescription_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventDescription_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventDescription_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventDescription_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventDescription_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventDescription_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventDescription_not_ends_with: String eventUrl: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventUrl_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventUrl_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventUrl_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventUrl_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventUrl_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventUrl_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventUrl_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventUrl_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventUrl_not_ends_with: String eventImage: AssetWhereInput startDateTime: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. startDateTime_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. startDateTime_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. startDateTime_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. startDateTime_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. startDateTime_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. startDateTime_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. startDateTime_gte: DateTime endDateTime: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. endDateTime_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. endDateTime_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. endDateTime_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. endDateTime_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. endDateTime_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. endDateTime_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. endDateTime_gte: DateTime fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. fromPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. fromPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. fromPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. toPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. toPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. toPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] eventContactEmail: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventContactEmail_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventContactEmail_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventContactEmail_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventContactEmail_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventContactEmail_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventContactEmail_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventContactEmail_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventContactEmail_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventContactEmail_not_ends_with: String eventOrganiser: EventOrganiserWhereInput eventLocation: EventLocationWhereInput } enum EventProfileOrderByInput { id_ASC id_DESC createdAt_ASC createdAt_DESC updatedAt_ASC updatedAt_DESC publishedAt_ASC publishedAt_DESC eventTitle_ASC eventTitle_DESC eventDescription_ASC eventDescription_DESC eventUrl_ASC eventUrl_DESC startDateTime_ASC startDateTime_DESC endDateTime_ASC endDateTime_DESC fromPhase_ASC fromPhase_DESC toPhase_ASC toPhase_DESC eventContactEmail_ASC eventContactEmail_DESC } input EventProfileUpdateInput { eventTitle: String eventDescription: String eventUrl: String eventImage: AssetUpdateOneInlineInput startDateTime: DateTime endDateTime: DateTime fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases eventContactEmail: String eventOrganiser: EventOrganiserUpdateOneInlineInput eventLocation: EventLocationUpdateOneInlineInput } input EventProfileUpdateManyInlineInput { # Create and connect multiple EventProfile documents create: [EventProfileCreateInput!] # Connect multiple existing EventProfile documents connect: [EventProfileConnectInput!] # Override currently-connected documents with multiple existing EventProfile documents set: [EventProfileWhereUniqueInput!] # Update multiple EventProfile documents update: [EventProfileUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Upsert multiple EventProfile documents upsert: [EventProfileUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput!] # Disconnect multiple EventProfile documents disconnect: [EventProfileWhereUniqueInput!] # Delete multiple EventProfile documents delete: [EventProfileWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventProfileUpdateManyInput { eventTitle: String eventDescription: String eventUrl: String startDateTime: DateTime endDateTime: DateTime fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases eventContactEmail: String } input EventProfileUpdateManyWithNestedWhereInput { # Document search where: EventProfileWhereInput! # Update many input data: EventProfileUpdateManyInput! } input EventProfileUpdateOneInlineInput { # Create and connect one EventProfile document create: EventProfileCreateInput # Update single EventProfile document update: EventProfileUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Upsert single EventProfile document upsert: EventProfileUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput # Connect existing EventProfile document connect: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput # Disconnect currently connected EventProfile document disconnect: Boolean # Delete currently connected EventProfile document delete: Boolean } input EventProfileUpdateWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! # Document to update data: EventProfileUpdateInput! } input EventProfileUpsertInput { # Create document if it didn't exist create: EventProfileCreateInput! # Update document if it exists update: EventProfileUpdateInput! } input EventProfileUpsertWithNestedWhereUniqueInput { # Unique document search where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! # Upsert data data: EventProfileUpsertInput! } # Identifies documents input EventProfileWhereInput { # Contains search across all appropriate fields. _search: String # Logical AND on all given filters. AND: [EventProfileWhereInput!] # Logical OR on all given filters. OR: [EventProfileWhereInput!] # Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND. NOT: [EventProfileWhereInput!] id: ID # All values that are not equal to given value. id_not: ID # All values that are contained in given list. id_in: [ID!] # All values that are not contained in given list. id_not_in: [ID!] # All values containing the given string. id_contains: ID # All values not containing the given string. id_not_contains: ID # All values starting with the given string. id_starts_with: ID # All values not starting with the given string. id_not_starts_with: ID # All values ending with the given string. id_ends_with: ID # All values not ending with the given string id_not_ends_with: ID createdAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. createdAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. createdAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. createdAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. createdAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. createdAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. createdAt_gte: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. updatedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. updatedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. updatedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. updatedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. updatedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. updatedAt_gte: DateTime publishedAt: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. publishedAt_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. publishedAt_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. publishedAt_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. publishedAt_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. publishedAt_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. publishedAt_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. publishedAt_gte: DateTime eventTitle: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventTitle_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventTitle_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventTitle_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventTitle_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventTitle_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventTitle_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventTitle_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventTitle_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventTitle_not_ends_with: String eventDescription: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventDescription_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventDescription_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventDescription_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventDescription_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventDescription_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventDescription_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventDescription_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventDescription_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventDescription_not_ends_with: String eventUrl: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventUrl_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventUrl_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventUrl_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventUrl_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventUrl_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventUrl_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventUrl_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventUrl_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventUrl_not_ends_with: String eventImage: AssetWhereInput startDateTime: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. startDateTime_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. startDateTime_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. startDateTime_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. startDateTime_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. startDateTime_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. startDateTime_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. startDateTime_gte: DateTime endDateTime: DateTime # All values that are not equal to given value. endDateTime_not: DateTime # All values that are contained in given list. endDateTime_in: [DateTime!] # All values that are not contained in given list. endDateTime_not_in: [DateTime!] # All values less than the given value. endDateTime_lt: DateTime # All values less than or equal the given value. endDateTime_lte: DateTime # All values greater than the given value. endDateTime_gt: DateTime # All values greater than or equal the given value. endDateTime_gte: DateTime fromPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. fromPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. fromPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. fromPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] toPhase: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are not equal to given value. toPhase_not: StartupDevelopmentPhases # All values that are contained in given list. toPhase_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] # All values that are not contained in given list. toPhase_not_in: [StartupDevelopmentPhases!] eventContactEmail: String # All values that are not equal to given value. eventContactEmail_not: String # All values that are contained in given list. eventContactEmail_in: [String!] # All values that are not contained in given list. eventContactEmail_not_in: [String!] # All values containing the given string. eventContactEmail_contains: String # All values not containing the given string. eventContactEmail_not_contains: String # All values starting with the given string. eventContactEmail_starts_with: String # All values not starting with the given string. eventContactEmail_not_starts_with: String # All values ending with the given string. eventContactEmail_ends_with: String # All values not ending with the given string eventContactEmail_not_ends_with: String eventOrganiser: EventOrganiserWhereInput eventLocation: EventLocationWhereInput } # References EventProfile record uniquely input EventProfileWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } scalar Hex enum ImageFit { # Resizes the image to fit within the specified parameters without distorting, cropping, or changing the aspect ratio. clip # Resizes the image to fit the specified parameters exactly by removing any # parts of the image that don't fit within the boundaries. crop # Resizes the image to fit the specified parameters exactly by scaling the image # to the desired size. The aspect ratio of the image is not respected and the # image can be distorted using this method. scale # Resizes the image to fit within the parameters, but as opposed to 'fit:clip' # will not scale the image if the image is smaller than the output size. max } input ImageResizeInput { # The width in pixels to resize the image to. The value must be an integer from 1 to 10000. width: Int # The height in pixels to resize the image to. The value must be an integer from 1 to 10000. height: Int # The default value for the fit parameter is fit:clip. fit: ImageFit } # Transformations for Images input ImageTransformationInput { # Resizes the image resize: ImageResizeInput } # Raw JSON value scalar Json # Locale system enumeration enum Locale { # System locale en } # Representing a geolocation point with latitude and longitude type Location { latitude: Float! longitude: Float! distance(from: LocationInput!): Float! } # Input for a geolocation point with latitude and longitude input LocationInput { latitude: Float! longitude: Float! } # The Long scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Long # can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1. scalar Long type Mutation { # Create one asset createAsset(data: AssetCreateInput!): Asset @deprecated(reason: "Asset mutations will be overhauled soon") # Update one asset updateAsset(where: AssetWhereUniqueInput!, data: AssetUpdateInput!): Asset # Delete one asset from _all_ existing stages. Returns deleted document. deleteAsset( # Document to delete where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! ): Asset # Upsert one asset upsertAsset(where: AssetWhereUniqueInput!, upsert: AssetUpsertInput!): Asset # Publish one asset publishAsset( # Document to publish where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! # Optional localizations to publish locales: [Locale!] # Whether to publish the base document publishBase: Boolean = true # Whether to include the default locale when publishBase is set withDefaultLocale: Boolean = true # Publishing target stage to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): Asset # Unpublish one asset from selected stages. Unpublish either the complete # document with its relations, localizations and base data or specific # localizations only. unpublishAsset( # Document to unpublish where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! # Stages to unpublish document from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] # Optional locales to unpublish. Unpublishing the default locale will # completely remove the document from the selected stages locales: [Locale!] # Unpublish complete document including default localization and relations from stages. Can be disabled. unpublishBase: Boolean = true ): Asset # Update many Asset documents updateManyAssetsConnection( # Documents to apply update on where: AssetManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: AssetUpdateManyInput! skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): AssetConnection! # Delete many Asset documents, return deleted documents deleteManyAssetsConnection( # Documents to delete where: AssetManyWhereInput skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): AssetConnection! # Publish many Asset documents publishManyAssetsConnection( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: AssetManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in from: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID # Document localizations to publish locales: [Locale!] # Whether to publish the base document publishBase: Boolean = true # Whether to include the default locale when publishBase is true withDefaultLocale: Boolean = true ): AssetConnection! # Find many Asset documents that match criteria in specified stage and unpublish from target stages unpublishManyAssetsConnection( # Identifies documents in draft stage where: AssetManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in stage: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID # Locales to unpublish locales: [Locale!] # Whether to unpublish the base document and default localization unpublishBase: Boolean = true ): AssetConnection! # Update many assets updateManyAssets( # Documents to apply update on where: AssetManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: AssetUpdateManyInput! ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (updateManyAssetsConnection)" ) # Delete many Asset documents deleteManyAssets( # Documents to delete where: AssetManyWhereInput ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (deleteManyAssetsConnection)" ) # Publish many Asset documents publishManyAssets( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: AssetManyWhereInput # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] # Document localizations to publish locales: [Locale!] # Whether to publish the base document publishBase: Boolean = true # Whether to include the default locale when publishBase is true withDefaultLocale: Boolean = true ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (publishManyAssetsConnection)" ) # Unpublish many Asset documents unpublishManyAssets( # Identifies documents in each stage where: AssetManyWhereInput # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] # Locales to unpublish locales: [Locale!] # Whether to unpublish the base document and default localization unpublishBase: Boolean = true ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (unpublishManyAssetsConnection)" ) # Create one eventLocation createEventLocation(data: EventLocationCreateInput!): EventLocation # Update one eventLocation updateEventLocation( where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! data: EventLocationUpdateInput! ): EventLocation # Delete one eventLocation from _all_ existing stages. Returns deleted document. deleteEventLocation( # Document to delete where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! ): EventLocation # Upsert one eventLocation upsertEventLocation( where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! upsert: EventLocationUpsertInput! ): EventLocation # Publish one eventLocation publishEventLocation( # Document to publish where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! # Publishing target stage to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventLocation # Unpublish one eventLocation from selected stages. Unpublish either the # complete document with its relations, localizations and base data or specific # localizations only. unpublishEventLocation( # Document to unpublish where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! # Stages to unpublish document from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventLocation # Update many EventLocation documents updateManyEventLocationsConnection( # Documents to apply update on where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventLocationUpdateManyInput! skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventLocationConnection! # Delete many EventLocation documents, return deleted documents deleteManyEventLocationsConnection( # Documents to delete where: EventLocationManyWhereInput skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventLocationConnection! # Publish many EventLocation documents publishManyEventLocationsConnection( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in from: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventLocationConnection! # Find many EventLocation documents that match criteria in specified stage and unpublish from target stages unpublishManyEventLocationsConnection( # Identifies documents in draft stage where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in stage: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventLocationConnection! # Update many eventLocations updateManyEventLocations( # Documents to apply update on where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventLocationUpdateManyInput! ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (updateManyEventLocationsConnection)" ) # Delete many EventLocation documents deleteManyEventLocations( # Documents to delete where: EventLocationManyWhereInput ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (deleteManyEventLocationsConnection)" ) # Publish many EventLocation documents publishManyEventLocations( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (publishManyEventLocationsConnection)" ) # Unpublish many EventLocation documents unpublishManyEventLocations( # Identifies documents in each stage where: EventLocationManyWhereInput # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (unpublishManyEventLocationsConnection)" ) # Create one eventOrganiser createEventOrganiser(data: EventOrganiserCreateInput!): EventOrganiser # Update one eventOrganiser updateEventOrganiser( where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! data: EventOrganiserUpdateInput! ): EventOrganiser # Delete one eventOrganiser from _all_ existing stages. Returns deleted document. deleteEventOrganiser( # Document to delete where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! ): EventOrganiser # Upsert one eventOrganiser upsertEventOrganiser( where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! upsert: EventOrganiserUpsertInput! ): EventOrganiser # Publish one eventOrganiser publishEventOrganiser( # Document to publish where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! # Publishing target stage to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventOrganiser # Unpublish one eventOrganiser from selected stages. Unpublish either the # complete document with its relations, localizations and base data or specific # localizations only. unpublishEventOrganiser( # Document to unpublish where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! # Stages to unpublish document from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventOrganiser # Update many EventOrganiser documents updateManyEventOrganisersConnection( # Documents to apply update on where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventOrganiserUpdateManyInput! skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventOrganiserConnection! # Delete many EventOrganiser documents, return deleted documents deleteManyEventOrganisersConnection( # Documents to delete where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventOrganiserConnection! # Publish many EventOrganiser documents publishManyEventOrganisersConnection( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in from: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventOrganiserConnection! # Find many EventOrganiser documents that match criteria in specified stage and unpublish from target stages unpublishManyEventOrganisersConnection( # Identifies documents in draft stage where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in stage: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventOrganiserConnection! # Update many eventOrganisers updateManyEventOrganisers( # Documents to apply update on where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventOrganiserUpdateManyInput! ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (updateManyEventOrganisersConnection)" ) # Delete many EventOrganiser documents deleteManyEventOrganisers( # Documents to delete where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (deleteManyEventOrganisersConnection)" ) # Publish many EventOrganiser documents publishManyEventOrganisers( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (publishManyEventOrganisersConnection)" ) # Unpublish many EventOrganiser documents unpublishManyEventOrganisers( # Identifies documents in each stage where: EventOrganiserManyWhereInput # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (unpublishManyEventOrganisersConnection)" ) # Create one eventProfile createEventProfile(data: EventProfileCreateInput!): EventProfile # Update one eventProfile updateEventProfile( where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! data: EventProfileUpdateInput! ): EventProfile # Delete one eventProfile from _all_ existing stages. Returns deleted document. deleteEventProfile( # Document to delete where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! ): EventProfile # Upsert one eventProfile upsertEventProfile( where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! upsert: EventProfileUpsertInput! ): EventProfile # Publish one eventProfile publishEventProfile( # Document to publish where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! # Publishing target stage to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventProfile # Unpublish one eventProfile from selected stages. Unpublish either the complete # document with its relations, localizations and base data or specific # localizations only. unpublishEventProfile( # Document to unpublish where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! # Stages to unpublish document from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): EventProfile # Update many EventProfile documents updateManyEventProfilesConnection( # Documents to apply update on where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventProfileUpdateManyInput! skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventProfileConnection! # Delete many EventProfile documents, return deleted documents deleteManyEventProfilesConnection( # Documents to delete where: EventProfileManyWhereInput skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventProfileConnection! # Publish many EventProfile documents publishManyEventProfilesConnection( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in from: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventProfileConnection! # Find many EventProfile documents that match criteria in specified stage and unpublish from target stages unpublishManyEventProfilesConnection( # Identifies documents in draft stage where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Stage to find matching documents in stage: Stage = DRAFT # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] skip: Int first: Int last: Int before: ID after: ID ): EventProfileConnection! # Update many eventProfiles updateManyEventProfiles( # Documents to apply update on where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Updates to document content data: EventProfileUpdateManyInput! ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (updateManyEventProfilesConnection)" ) # Delete many EventProfile documents deleteManyEventProfiles( # Documents to delete where: EventProfileManyWhereInput ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (deleteManyEventProfilesConnection)" ) # Publish many EventProfile documents publishManyEventProfiles( # Identifies documents in each stage to be published where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Stages to publish documents to to: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (publishManyEventProfilesConnection)" ) # Unpublish many EventProfile documents unpublishManyEventProfiles( # Identifies documents in each stage where: EventProfileManyWhereInput # Stages to unpublish documents from from: [Stage!]! = [PUBLISHED] ): BatchPayload! @deprecated( reason: "Please use the new paginated many mutation (unpublishManyEventProfilesConnection)" ) } # An object with an ID interface Node { # The id of the object. id: ID! # The Stage of an object stage: Stage! } # Information about pagination in a connection. type PageInfo { # When paginating forwards, are there more items? hasNextPage: Boolean! # When paginating backwards, are there more items? hasPreviousPage: Boolean! # When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. startCursor: String # When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. endCursor: String # Number of items in the current page. pageSize: Int } input PublishLocaleInput { # Locales to publish locale: Locale! # Stages to publish selected locales to stages: [Stage!]! } type Query { # Fetches an object given its ID node( # The ID of an object id: ID! stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `Node` is a model without localized fields and will not be # affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on to # any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): Node # Retrieve multiple assets assets( where: AssetWhereInput orderBy: AssetOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `Asset` will be affected directly by this argument, as well as any # other related models with localized fields in the query's subtree. # The first locale matching the provided list will be returned, entries with non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): [Asset!]! # Retrieve a single asset asset( where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `Asset` will be affected directly by this argument, as well as any # other related models with localized fields in the query's subtree. # The first locale matching the provided list will be returned, entries with non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): Asset # Retrieve multiple assets using the Relay connection interface assetsConnection( where: AssetWhereInput orderBy: AssetOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `Asset` will be affected directly by this argument, as well as any # other related models with localized fields in the query's subtree. # The first locale matching the provided list will be returned, entries with non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): AssetConnection! # Retrieve document version assetVersion(where: VersionWhereInput!): DocumentVersion # Retrieve multiple eventLocations eventLocations( where: EventLocationWhereInput orderBy: EventLocationOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventLocation` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): [EventLocation!]! # Retrieve a single eventLocation eventLocation( where: EventLocationWhereUniqueInput! stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventLocation` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventLocation # Retrieve multiple eventLocations using the Relay connection interface eventLocationsConnection( where: EventLocationWhereInput orderBy: EventLocationOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventLocation` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventLocationConnection! # Retrieve document version eventLocationVersion(where: VersionWhereInput!): DocumentVersion # Retrieve multiple eventOrganisers eventOrganisers( where: EventOrganiserWhereInput orderBy: EventOrganiserOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventOrganiser` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): [EventOrganiser!]! # Retrieve a single eventOrganiser eventOrganiser( where: EventOrganiserWhereUniqueInput! stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventOrganiser` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventOrganiser # Retrieve multiple eventOrganisers using the Relay connection interface eventOrganisersConnection( where: EventOrganiserWhereInput orderBy: EventOrganiserOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventOrganiser` is a model without localized fields and will not # be affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on # to any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventOrganiserConnection! # Retrieve document version eventOrganiserVersion(where: VersionWhereInput!): DocumentVersion # Retrieve multiple eventProfiles eventProfiles( where: EventProfileWhereInput orderBy: EventProfileOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventProfile` is a model without localized fields and will not be # affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on to # any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): [EventProfile!]! # Retrieve a single eventProfile eventProfile( where: EventProfileWhereUniqueInput! stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventProfile` is a model without localized fields and will not be # affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on to # any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventProfile # Retrieve multiple eventProfiles using the Relay connection interface eventProfilesConnection( where: EventProfileWhereInput orderBy: EventProfileOrderByInput skip: Int after: String before: String first: Int last: Int stage: Stage! = PUBLISHED # Defines which locales should be returned. # # Note that `EventProfile` is a model without localized fields and will not be # affected directly by this argument, however the locales will be passed on to # any relational fields in the query's subtree for filtering. # For related models with localized fields in the query's subtree, the first # locale matching the provided list of locales will be returned, entries with # non matching locales will be filtered out. # # This argument may be overwritten by another locales definition in a # relational child field, this will effectively use the overwritten argument # for the affected query's subtree. locales: [Locale!]! = [en] ): EventProfileConnection! # Retrieve document version eventProfileVersion(where: VersionWhereInput!): DocumentVersion } # Representing a RGBA color value: type RGBA { r: RGBAHue! g: RGBAHue! b: RGBAHue! a: RGBATransparency! } scalar RGBAHue # Input type representing a RGBA color value: input RGBAInput { r: RGBAHue! g: RGBAHue! b: RGBAHue! a: RGBATransparency! } scalar RGBATransparency # Custom type representing a rich text value comprising of raw rich text ast, html, markdown and text values type RichText { # Returns AST representation raw: RichTextAST! # Returns HTMl representation html: String! # Returns Markdown representation markdown: String! # Returns plain-text contents of RichText text: String! } # Slate-compatible RichText AST scalar RichTextAST # Stage system enumeration enum Stage { # The Published stage is where you can publish your content to. PUBLISHED # The Draft is the default stage for all your content. DRAFT } # Startup Development phases from -2 to 3, including the available steps in between. enum StartupDevelopmentPhases { after_minus_one after_minus_two after_one after_three after_two after_zero minus_one minus_two one pre_minus_one pre_one pre_three pre_two pre_zero three two zero } enum SystemDateTimeFieldVariation { BASE LOCALIZATION COMBINED } input UnpublishLocaleInput { # Locales to unpublish locale: Locale! # Stages to unpublish selected locales from stages: [Stage!]! } # System User Kind enum UserKind { MEMBER PAT PUBLIC WEBHOOK } type Version { id: ID! stage: Stage! revision: Int! createdAt: DateTime! } input VersionWhereInput { id: ID! stage: Stage! revision: Int! }